With no specific plan for the day, I started with some of yesterday's random purchases. My workspace at home has been completely out of control, and some drawers found yesterday at a garage sale needed a quick facelift but were exactly the right size to sit on top of a wooden box which has been sitting outside the back door since it came home on a long ago Saturday.
Buoyed by this success, I finally finished off a funny little cupboard - although I'm not wholly happy and will change the fish trim at some stage- which has gone to live on top of the fridge.
There was spare time for washing and for a tricky fish jigsaw, a bit more reading in the sun. I also finally dragged a chunky wooden 'planter' which I bought at a garage sale indoors and transformed it into a bookshelf by laying it on it's side and stuffing books in it. ( I grabbed a book on Thursday morning and almost died in the avalanche. Something had to be done.)
That big flat thing will be the floor, then. I am a domestic archaeologist.
I found an old and quite manky cushion at the op-shop on Friday, but I loved the design. When I took it apart it was handmade tapestry, on vintage linen, and intact but grubby. It was backed with a pretty little brocade, unfortunately with two holes. Luckily, the piece was big enough to turn around and so after hand washing, re-blocking, and reconstruction, it's come up beautifully. There's something special about saving something that someone has put so much energy and care into. Just what I needed, another cushion.
I keep thinking I should have a garage sale, but I can't find anything I really want to get rid of.