Saturday, May 14, 2011


My national book launch tour starts tomorrow.  Or, I might be heading off to go to a wedding, go exploring in Queensland and Melbourne, and hang with my sister and some friends in Tassie.

I have been lead to believe that at least one person will be disappointed that it's not actually  a booksigning tour,  but perhaps it's a practice run.  Either way, I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone, and relaxing.  A male friend implied that there is likely to be lots of chatting.  I'm sure he meant it in a nice way. There may be some shopping, and Tutankhamen along the way.

Thank you to everyone for the great feedback on the book, it's been very exciting and I'm so glad so many people like it.  I had a great time at the Mother's Day market last week.

Due to my lifelong habit of travelling with the absolute minimum possible, I'm not taking my laptop with me.  I'm sure I will come across computers here and there along the way, and when I do I will try to post anything interesting along the way.  I'm reliably informed that there are op shops, and garage sales, in all my destinations...I can always post stuff home.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Boldly going where I haven't really been before....

Just a note to say that I have a book available at  Hey,rather than me tell you all about it, see for yourself!

As you can see, I haven't really nailed the relentless self-promotion thing yet.  I'll do some work on that.