Sunday, August 26, 2012

You know it's really been raining when ducks take refuge on next door's roof.

So much sunshine, so little weekend.  Quite a few things to show you this week.

You know it's been raining when the ducks take refuge on next door's roof.

I weeded garden bed #1 today, in preparation for planting.  I've hired a new lawn mower man, who managed to cut the lawns and trim the edges without making a huge mess or doing my head in. He seemed to grasp that the lawns are to be cut once a month and not whenever he's short of cash - the reason for the demise of the previous arrangement.  So far, so good. (Relative) garden normality has resumed.

Various outgoings this week: one of my fave fish drawings went to live in Tasmania, in an unexpected but pleasant symmetry.  Handed on some clothing to a friend for use or re-purpose, depending on her mood.  A glimpse of the spare bed, with less spare clothing storage.

I made some Mad Men-type necklaces - really a quick re-purpose of some vintage finds into a more wearable length.  I also found some finished pieces which I'd forgotten I had, while sorting out the 'in progress' drawer. I found a positive pile of sterling silver jewellery this week.  Some of it will no doubt surface later on this page.

I found, repaired and repainted a bookcase to match one I had - thus reducing the tottering tower of acquisitions. It wasn't a big job but not bad for 50 cents.

Sometimes I find something that just wins my heart, and this week it was a dear little hand carved rustic boat, and an old sieve, which I found in the rubbish pile outside a house where there was a garage sale.  One man's sieve is another woman's hanging shadow box.      I. Love. This.

There were a few other must-haves which arrived this week:  glass squirrel bowl, anyone? 

The room divider will be a work in progress, I suspect.  The girl child has already remarked that she would like it in white in her room.  It needs some TLC on the improvised hinges but otherwise is in good condition, if a little over-varnished. It goes to that vintage 60's/70's decorating theme.
But stop, what are these interesting round ceramic plates marked "Edison", I hear you ask?  I'm glad you noticed them.  They were the tops to Edison battery jars, and will make nice trivets.  There was also another old wooden crate, to go towards a larger crate construction in the planning and development stage.

I found a tin of wooden puzzle pieces, destined for re-purposing for jewellery and other things, and a friend who collects kitschy religious pics will just love this one in 3D.
Don't forget Father's Day is fast approaching and you can find my original art for sale here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Phyllis, Fang and Moby Dick, a suitcase and a table

I'm a bit later than usual this week in posting, mainly because I've been slowed down quite a bit by ye newe stomache-ande-colde-virus combined, which seems to have sneaked by the flu shot.  My review of the newish virus is 'eeeeuuuuwwwww'. My head is still  fuzzy and I left my concentration somewhere but I can't quite recall where.  What was I saying?

Of course, my adventures in other people's treasures have been limited. (This in itself indicates the direness of my illness.)

I did stagger to one garage sale last weekend, where I got... a suitcase.  I know, I know. The winter accessory section of the bedroom was out of control and all over the bedroom so I sorted it and decided the new case would work for Scarves, various - currently in rotation. (I did actually attach a label after the photograph, because I can close the lid and store for summer.)  I also got a 1965 Australian Womens Weekly and another magazine from about 1950, and an old Kodak film cannister.
I heard today that Phyllis Diller had passed away at 95.  I  remember her fondly in her 60's heyday and it's kind of scary, looking back at how young she was at the time. Like the chaps on Dad's Army, she seemed ancient to a pre-teen kid. Looking back, of course, she was one of the first of the female comedians - so much that she was often referred to as a 'comedienne'. Now, I see her as a role model, I think, for my own approach to life and aging.  I shall certainly be working on developing that laugh. I shall miss Fang and Moby Dick.

I did manage to re-do the top of the kitchen table this week - a job I've been meaning to get to for ages, and I must say the table looks much the better for it too.  It was only a gentle rub down with steel wool and a couple of coats of a good food-grade nut oil but the top is silky smooth again.  Now I'm looking at other pieces of wooden furniture and thinking they too need some work.  After I've had a little rest, so that I may feel restored myself and able to go treasure hunting again.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gallery Sale for Fathers' Day!!!

1st ever Fathers’ Day SALE of drawings and prints!

I always have trouble with photographing glass, so sorry about the reflections.

These are all framed, but I also have several as yet unframed original drawings on both charts and maps, as well as various other prints - if you are interested let me know. If you’re local in Albany, Western Australia you can come see them, or I can email photos. 

Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, (total size 52x52cm) Black frame, white mat. $75
All shipping/post is at your expense. (I’m not sure of postage costs, as sizes and weights vary, will provide exact amount before you need to commit and I only charge what the post costs.)  I’m making this album publicly visible so you can share it with your friends. They are advertised elsewhere, and first to indicate interest will get the item. Happy to reserve/layby/whatever, just contact me here.

Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, solid wooden frame (prob jarrah)( total size 60cmx50cm)  $165

Archival print of original drawing,  single fish (total size 37x30 cm) $40

Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, “Off Naturaliste Channel” (total size 47x37cm) $65

Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, “Shell Harbour”( total size 36x45cm) $75

Archival print of original drawing,  “see caution #6” (total size 44x38 cm) $50

Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, “Tasman Sea” (total size 42x33cm) $75
Drawing, archival ink on vintage maritime chart, “Florida” recycled frame (total size 50x40cm)  $75
Drawing, archival  ink on watercolour paint, watercolour paper, (total size 25x20cm) $30

Archival print of original drawing, “Duo” (total size 35x52cm) $45
 Here are some samples of some of the actual drawings, to give you a better idea of the detail.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sun. Rain. Wind. Thunder. Cherry blossoms. Winter. Spring. Little blonde puppies. Grumpy jealous older boydogs.

And that was only this weekend.

Believe me, I know how she feels.

Although the garage sales doldrums are upon us, the pre-summer wardrobe season has given us bounty most plentiful.  And as we receive, so shall we give back (to the opshops), that we may be able, once again, to walk into the bedroom without danger of death from clothes avalanche.

I hate it when you lose a new item of black clothing in a poorly lit room with a gazillion other pieces of black clothing.

After last week's coatfest, I was being a little cautious this week, but was excited about the new season's burgundy/red pants I found - right till the Girl-child claimed them as her own.  She grabbed a heap of clothes from Friday's op-shop round.

I've clawed back a little floorspace in the lounge by re-stacking and sorting my framed drawings and prints, and making new piles of the vintage frames waiting to be used.  I've decided to have a Fathers' Day sale to make some room for new works.  I shall post here when I have details.

In the meantime, here are a couple of things I've been playing with today.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's been a bit of a finishing week - the end of the Library exhibit (with excellent feedback), and finishing off a couple of projects.
I got this great vintage bicycle for The Girl last week at the tip shop which isn't really much of a tip shop.  I certainly hope I don't break a fingernail fixing it up, because then bikes would be one less thing it's safe to sell at a tip shop.  Of course, the day before I had ummed and arrred over whether to get a set of the perfect handlebars at the other tip shop, finally deciding against because it involved CRC and spanners and brute force.  Rats! Always stick with the plan, young apprentices, and get it whether you may need it or not.

The opshops during the week were all about coats.  I was out with two of my pals, browsing as you do when you have a spare minute.  Pal 1 saw this, tried it on, thought I would like it.  Pal 2 - same.  I saw it, tried it, loved it, bought it and wore it for the rest of the week. My friends have great taste AND generosity of spirit.  It also saved me having to beat them up and take the coat...

On Friday, trawling alone due to illness and sad work commitments from Pals 1 and 2 respectively, I snapped this one up at  Vinnies. Its a lovely vintage faux fur, needs a stitch or two to re-attach the lining on the bottom hem, otherwise perfect.
 Of course, when I got home there was an Ebay parcel waiting for me on the doorstep - gee, a coat I'd forgotten I'd bought.  Luckily, it's just gorgeous, fine NZ boiled wool, very light but beautifully cut.

It's a good thing I live in colder climes, and Winter has months to run here yet.  Of course, a good garment doesn't date and I'll wear them to death for years.  A few lesser garments may find their way to the oppie to make room for them, however.

I also found a pair of Fly shoes, the usual bag of books, and a few other trifles.  There is nothing like an op shop interlude to cheer up the working day.

Left to my own devices for a day this weekend I decided to tidy up the workspace - which means finish stuff in order to find the workspace under it.  These two have been waiting around for a while. 

The girl in the glass case needs something more but while I hash out the detail she has taken up residence where she is protected.  Dawn just swims on (or is she flying?).

I had to open the jewellery supplies to work on these - it was touch and go there for a while but I managed not to dive in there - I'm determined to re-organise that workspace!!! Eventually they will be pendants or brooches.

And to top off the weekend, the first strawberry of the year from the garden...